by Amy Konecny
on May 17, 2020
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Added a new page to my website today. It's all the free stuff I've been adding during the time I've had to stay at home. Figured it was time to make it easier for you to find all the fun, and free goodness. Hope you enjoy the page and if you have any ideas for other digital downloads you would like to see drop me a line if I have the time I'll try and make it happen.
by Amy Konecny
on May 02, 2020
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Just added an new coloring book page that you can download for Free. Hope you love all the space themed goodness.

by Amy Konecny
on June 24, 2019
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Everything's shiny captain not to fret

I just LOVED Firefly and all it's wonderful and interesting characters. Out of all of them the cheerful and upbeat Kaylee is one of my favorites. In this bracelet I tried to capture her upbeat personality with bright and fun bead colors. As well as elements that describe her as charms. So her oh so fluffy and "it's so pretty" pink dress. "Shiny!lets be Bad Guys" quote, a Teddy bear for the patch on her overalls and also you know that even though it was not shown she has a bunch of these guys in her room to cuddle with, and her famous parasol crossed with a wrench. Last but not least a space ship in a mason jar. Cause what do you put in mason jars? Firefly's... you may grown now. And yes I did just copy what I said in the product description. It's cause it was super wordy.
by Amy Konecny
on June 17, 2019
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May The Forest Be With You
In a world filled with corruption and over industrialization. A few brave soles team up with the wild things to save Mother Nature. Yes it has a Lightsaber wielding bear. I mean really how could this not be a thing? And to fight by the bears side a noble Forest Ranger displaying their martial skill while also wielding a light saber. Also elements of nature like a mountain scene and a forest. Well okay mountain tops and a few trees, but close enough.

In the past I've mentioned that I clean the images because I have to take the picture on a modeled gray background, but I've not shared here what a bracelet looks like mostly thru that posses. So below I've added the bracelet mostly finished but not completely.

by Amy Konecny
on June 10, 2019
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The Sass is Strong With This One

Now that Disney owns Star Wars I'm even more careful than I used to be about copy right and I do dry to be pretty darn careful about it cause I do want to respect another artiest hard work. However puns and parodies are free game. Hence these Star Wars inspired and very sassy earrings. They are also very on point for my personalty. Hope you get a kick out of them.
by Amy Konecny
on June 03, 2019
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Screw Your "Lab Safety" I Want Superpowers.

These earrings celebrate and embrace the Comic book trope that you get superpowers from lab accidents. Haven't you ever dreamed of being super fast, flying, or controlling plants? Yeah me too. I always thought matter conversion would be the coolest superpower. Oh you need a thing no problem here it is. Plus it has the bonus effect of being very environmentally friendly. Say goodby to the landfill and hello to a bunch of useful stuff. Sadly we do not live in a world where comic book "science" works so you really do need to follow "Lab Safety". However reality should not dampen our enjoyment of this fantastic trope.
by Amy Konecny
on May 27, 2019
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I'm Not Weird. I'm Limited Edition

Never let anyone tell you "you are weird" you're special I would even say Limited Edition. Let everyone know how amazingly unique you are with these sassy and silly earrings.
Above is what I wrote for the description of these earrings, but I thought the sentiment should be repeated. Never let anyone put you down. You are AMAZING just the way you are.
by Amy Konecny
on May 20, 2019
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May The Force Be With You Math Pun Earrings

I love a puns and math puns are some of my favorites also I'm a gigantic nerd. So naturally I had to combine one of my favorite fandoms with math.
Now I did okay in math during High School, but was not so good as to be a math Olympiad or anything even close to that. When these earrings debuted some of my first customers to notices them where a couple that worked for NASA (the show was in Dearfield Beach, FL). The gentleman was amazed that I had not used the abbreviation for the formula, but the whole thing and it right. He was not trying to be condescending at all it's just unexpected that a Jeweler would get a math equation right and not use the more commonly known and used abbreviation. We chatted for some time and I must admit to you that I was very please with myself for getting it right and also the reason I did not use the abbreviation was I had forgotten it. It's amazing what will stick in your head. The funny thing is this formula stayed in my head for over 25 years, but as soon as I turned it into a pair of earrings my brain said "well we don't need to remember that anymore since you have a reference sheet to check". Now if you asked me what it was I would draw a blank unless I was actively looking at the formula.

by Amy Konecny
on May 13, 2019
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Are You Shrewd
I plan on adding all the houses to the website this year so what house are you. Honorable, Resourceful, Gallant, or Shrewd?
by Amy Konecny
on February 27, 2019
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Boss of Atlantis
King of the seven seas, has a trident, rides a giant seahorse. The Boss of Atlantis is a Bad Ass on Land and in the Sea.
Or as I put it in the product description:
King of the seven seas, ruler of Atlantis, bad-ass super hero, and a really hot guy that looks great is spandex. The boss of Atlantis strives to protect the ocean and bring peace and understanding between his 2 peoples. Or perhaps he really likes to kick butt and feels the need to justify his actions. What ever, he's hot.
Which ever description you like better this bracelet is just cool. Do I need to do more super heroes? If so let me know.