Firefly, Kaylee Inspire Hair Stakes

I Love Kaylee she was an amazing Character. Just fun, optimistic, and complainant. Got to love a woman that embodys all those characteristics.
The Total Length is 14" long (length of sticks and tassel)
The stick is 9.5" long. It's natural bamboo with a ~3 inch colored band at the top. The band is a gold, coral and periwinkle floral pattern with a bright maroon base.
The bobbles are a high low style. That means one bobble is longer than the other. The "short" bobble is about 3.5" long and is comprised of 3 beads, 2 charms, and a 10mm pewter ring. The "long" bobble is about 4.75" long ans is comprised of 3 beads, 1 Charm and one 1 3/8" long tassel.
Beads- Both bobbles have the same 3 beads just in different positions. There is a 10x15mm glass Gray donut with raised spiral with a AB coating (also know as carnival glass), A 8x6mm Turquoise/aqua glass ladybug, and a Dark Purple transparent acrylic rhombus
Charms- are made from Thermoplastic: One stick has a her dress and "Shiny! Lets be bad guys". The other stick has her parasol crossed with a wrench and the tassel.
I over engineer theses stakes so they don't catch in your hair. What that means in detail is I counter sink the eyelet into the stick so there is no gap for your hair to get caught, for added security I E6000 the eyelet into place. The Bobble and Stick are connected with a split-ring; basically a miniature key-ring, once again so there is no were for your hair to get caught. And I wire wrap the beads and charms together. All this means that your hair should not get caught in the charms. It also means that it is very securely put together.