Beautiful Kanji, Earrings
I have been picking up bits and pieces of Kanji (one form of Japaneses writing) for years. I could of course blame my brother for this, as the younger sibling I have had years of practice doing this and it would have the advantage of being partly true, it's a hobby of his. Or I could blame the vast quantity of Anime and Manga I have absorbed (Japaneses entertainment), and this would also be true. Maybe I can fob this off on one of my many friends that took Japaneses in collage, witch sounds cool so it's a fun one to go with. However I'm guessing it's a combination of all 3. For what ever reason I have been making a lot of charms with Kanji on them with English translations (very small) underneath.
This pair of earrings has the Kanji for Beautiful, witch is lovely to look at as just a shape. The English translation is at the bottom. I used one of my favorite colors as the top bead. I was going with the logic of a lovely bead for a lovely word.