Find The Mystery That's Hidden From Site


I have added several Mystery items to my website that you can only find if you type in Search the word: Mystery

Wanting to increase the number of funky bracelets to the website before the holidays, but not having the time to spend 3 hours to clean up per bracelet.  I was kind of at a loss until it hit me, Mystery items.  It's fun cause you'll never know what you will find and it save me a ton of time and you all know that I need that in my life. 

What will you find?  Well that is the fun part to this.  It could be anything... but, mostly Funky Bracelets if I am to be honest.  There will be only one of an item added to this section and once it sells I'll remove it from my site.  When I have time I'll add new items so it's best to check back on a regular basis.  If you would like to see something added to this section just drop me a line cause I always like to get suggestions.

One last thing Search on my website is at the top on the right of the menu bar at the top of the page.



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