by Amy Konecny
on July 07, 2016
with 0 comments
As some of you may know Tig and I am sending the month of July in Florida. We are going to 4 diffrent shows and in our time off we will go to Disney and Universal Studios. During the week we are staying with my folks witch is really nice since Mom is spoiling us like crazy. Since it is the end of the first week I thought you might like to see some things Florida.

Here is one of the lakes Tig and I pass on our daly walk. We are trying to be helthy while donw here.
This is a gopher tortoise. He likes to eat Moms flowers, but only the yellow ones.
These yellow flowers. Mom is ok with it because every thing grows so fast down here, she says that he is helping keep the flowes trimed back.

Here is a close up of a palm tree that is about to flower. Did not know that thwe did that. It's nice to learn new things.

It's not all fun in the sun. Tig and I still need to work. Above are a few pictures of us working on hair stakes.
Hope this blog post is ok. It's the first time I have tried writing on up on my phone.