by Amy Konecny
on September 29, 2016
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Kiss Kiss Fall In Love.
This bracelet is inspired by one of my all time favorite anime's "Ouran High School Host Club", it has Instant Coffee "Wow I've heard of this it's Commoners Coffee", Tea, A pink bunny for "Usa-Chan", a brown Bear for "Teddy", and of course Music Room 3 where much to Haruhi's distress is where she found the Host Club not a place to study. The colors of the beads are representative of the school uniform, both male and female.
This bracelet has been on my to add to website list for over a year now, but well you know stuff happens.

One of the things that makes me so happy about this bracelet is that Vic Mignogna; the voice of Tamaki, has sighed the Teddy charm for our customers. Witch kind of makes me fan-girl.
I am really into anime, but lots of people who have never seen anime before think this one is just to stinking cute. And they are right. So if you have not seen it before I highly recommend watching it. If you are a fan-girl like me then you are most likely be doing a happy dance in your seat wanting to get this bracelet, and that is good cause I want your money.
Happy Shopping.
by Amy Konecny
on September 05, 2016
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Wish Ball Earrings.
According to legend you only need 7 dragon eggs to get a wish. Cool! I have no idea what I would wish for, but the power to destroy a mountain seams traditional. These earrings will give you 6 out of the seven star/eggs you need so you will only have to find the last one.

These earrings are inspired by the anime Dragon Ball Z.

The Second picture is of Jasmin a wonderful cosplay model. She is wearing the earrings as clip-on's, if you need them turned into clip-on's just leave a note during check-out cause I understand the need to have fun earrings, but not be able to get pierced ears. Oh and I will turn them into Clip-on's for free.
Hope you enjoy these new earrings.
Do you want to see something for the holiday session? Drop me a line in the next few weeks and I'll try to add it. Once October hits I will be crazy busy and will not be adding as much to the sight.
by Amy Konecny
on February 11, 2016
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It's Time to unvale the first new product of the year! So with out further adieu I present the super cool earrings inspired by the anime "Howl's Moving Castle" by Studio Ghibli.

Most of the time I really over think the beads that I pare up with a charm and this time is no exception. The accent bead a the top is sapphire blue to match Howl's eyes and Sophie's Dress. Because really I think red would be just a little to much. I admit you will find a lot of earrings that have been inspired by Studio Ghibli on my website, but Miyazaki (that's the artist) is just so amazing that some day's I just can't help myself.
Here are a few other earrings that have been inspired by Miyazaki/Studio Ghibli. Though since my first anime's where by Studio Ghibli it would be fair to say that most of my art had been inspired by Miyazaki to one degree or another.

by Amy Konecny
on February 08, 2016
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This past weekend Tig went to Roanoke, VA for Star City Anime Con. While there she met Vic Mignogna the English dub voice actor for Tamaki Suou in Ouran High School Host Club, as well as a host of other anime as well as one of my all time favorite voice actors.

snagged the photo off Vic's IMBd page
He walked into our booth and saw that a customer had just bought the Ouran High School Host Club Funky Bracelet (he had his eye on it) and signed one of the charms for the very lucky lady. Just to cool for words.

I am totally fangirlling about this right now tehe.
At the moment the bracelet is not available online, but I do have some earrings.
Check them out!