by Amy Konecny
on July 16, 2018
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Island Princess Saves the Day

Finally something new on the website it's been like a month since anything was added. An Island Princess bracelet. One of the many things I love about the new (you know not from the 50's) Princesses is that they are independent and capable and don't need a prince to come save them. Moana saved China, well okay her small kingdom in what is now part of China, but still a real person and totally bad ass. This Princess/future ruler of her people saved the entire world with a Chicken and self absorbed fallen demigod that she had to basically force to do the right thing. Now this is a woman we should all aspire to be.
Now this is the first batch of this bracelet and it's a little special. The coral colored beads are Real coral. These beads have been sitting around my studio unused for over 10 year, but I have a vague recollection of having them before I even started my company so they could be more like 20 year old. Since they are so old I will not be getting more of this bead therefore once it is all used up they will be no more. The second cool bead is the coin shaped bead. They are made from real shell chips suspended in resin. These are also beads I've had for awhile not 2 decades, but awhile and I'm unsure if I'll be able to replace them. The last cool beads are the large hearts. They are actually Vintage German Acrylic beads witch means they are at least 25 years old and probably not being manufactured anymore. I said all this to let you know that once the first batch of these bracelets are sold I will have to rework the beads and it will look quite different and frankly just not be as special. So if you would like to get one of these super special first run bracelets you'll need to get them soon (okay I hope they sell soon that would be super cool).

by Amy Konecny
on November 03, 2016
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For the Month of November I am going to give a Hoot and embrace all things owl.
I have been for sometime wanting to make House specific owls for Harry Potter Inspired items. After many drafts and several days worth of cramped hands I finally was able to come up with owls for 3 out of the 4 houses. Subsequently I turned them into earrings. The nice thing about the earrings is other than using the appropriate colored bead at the top unless you are in the know they are just cute owl earrings.
The first house that Success was found with was Hufflepuff. Wanting something small and cute and well relatively easy to draw cause I figured I would go through a lot of them it took a bit of time. Believe it or not complicated is easier for me to draw... well the first time at least.

The Second house was Slytherin. Wanting a Gothic feel freed me up to be as complicated as I wanted to be. However after the first time drawing it my hand cramped up and was yelling at me for sometime so it was turned into a stamp as quickly as possible. The nice thing about that is I can keep my prices reasonable.

The Last House is Ravenclaw. It was the most simplistic to come up with since I tend to think about Ravenclaw as clean lined and classic. So a picture of a real owl was found online and the silhouette was created.

Truthfully all the owls where turned into stamps because I wanted to keep the price at $12 a pair of earrings and really a lot of owls are used all over the place so there has been the embracing of as much lazy as can be gotten away with lately.
Hope you love the Owl Earrings all all the other owl related blog post this month.
by Amy Konecny
on September 22, 2016
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Today; September 22, is Bilbo and Frodo Baggins Birthday. The American Tolkien Society has proclaimed this date Hobbit Day in honer of these two beloved fictional characters.

As Always I celebrate holidays with Jewelry. So to Celebrate This fun Holiday the New Product This Week is my Hobbit inspired Bracelet. "There and Back Again"; a funky bracelet, has been a big hit at shows and now you can enjoy it on the website too.

Till Next Week Happy Shopping.